Happiness is a movie directed by Todd Solondz and starring an impressive cast of well-known actors such as Phllip Seymour Hoffman (Mission Impossible 3) and Jon Lovitz (Little Nicky).
I was in a bad mood the day I watched this, I had bit my tongue and stubbed my toe at the exact same moment earlier that day, and I needed a pint of chunky monkey and some laughs.
How did things go so wrong.
Writer/Director Todd Solondz needs a dictionary. Happiness is an innapropraite title for this movie. It should have been called "Really Depressing and Morally Corrupt". I had to stop eating my chunky monkey after seeing all these terrible social deviants interact with each other.
I will not go into details, because the memory of this movie still haunts me. Why would anyone want a movie that made them feel bad? If it's not blowing up or making me laugh, it's really not worth my time.
Grade: F
Needs more ninjas,
Chad Worthington
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